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Code Of Conduct

At ACE Supply and Provision, we all have a moral obligation to safeguard each other, our customers and the environment by aspiring to operate a safe, injury free and healthy workplace and to minimize our impact on the environment.

ACE Supply and Provision will comply with all relevant environmental, ethical legislation and approved codes of practice. We recognize that even though the countries we work in maybe developing and differ from the values in developed worlds, although it maybe more challenging, we at ACE Supply and Provision will always strive to take a stance and make it happen in the right and appropriate manner.

Our core values are

To ensure each of us plays our part in reducing the impact of what we do on the global environment, we have developed a common set of behaviours that are followed by our team.

Ethical Procurement

In regard to ethical procurement, our policy is based on the standards adopted by the UN through the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the ILO Conventions.

The standards we apply are as follows:

We require all colleagues, suppliers & subcontractors to comply with our policy and we reserve the right not to do business with companies where it can be demonstrated that significant violations of the policy exist. In particular, we will not bring companies onto our supplier list where there is evidence of under-age workers; forced, bonded or involuntary prison labour; or where the supplier's workers are found to be subjected to potential life threatening working conditions or harsh or inhumane treatment.

Environmental Procurement & Sourcing

Our policy supplements ACE Supply and Provision's internal efforts to help protect and sustain the environment. Our aim is to drive our objectives for sustainable development into the supply chain, and work with our suppliers to help minimise the impact of their activities.

Suppliers are required to:

Comply with all relevant environmental legislation (including but not limited to waste, emissions, and noise), acting in a preventive way to avoid pollution. Implement corrective action plans and to have programs in place for improving environmental performance.

ACE Supply and Provision will look favourably upon suppliers who:

Have an up-to-date, documented, Environmental Policy including commitment to environmental protection, prevention of pollution, compliance with environmental legislation, continuous improvement and to procure in line with its policy

Have a documented Environmental Management System to ensure effective planning, operation and control of environmental aspects. This Environmental Management System shall satisfy the requirements of ISO 14 001 or other internationally recognised standards.

During the period of any contract we expect suppliers to make all reasonable efforts to support initiatives or targets that ACE Supply and Provision may from time to time introduce where the initiatives are relevant to their area of the ACE Supply and Provision supply chain, e.g. Energy consumption reduction targets.

Examples of how we work to improve the environment and initiatives we encourage are: